
Proyectos y propuestas H2020 del GRIMEX


Open schooling has the objective of create new partnerships in local communities to foster improve science education for all citizens and the strategic orientation is accelerate and catalyse processes of institutional change.

Changing, Harmonizing and Integrating People (CHIP) is a proposal designed to promote a real change inside schools in the asymmetric relationship between teachers, students and society to transform it into a community of learners where knowledge is shared cross-wise.

This change should include all the protagonists of the learning chain; any policy that only targets a link in this chain will have a partial success that do not ensure a solution to the problem of the shortfall in science knowledge in society and the active participation of society in science and research. For this, change in education is a must. An educational programme not only informative but also participative and formative, transforming information into knowledge and then into action for change. Knowledge must be share with all members of the society in formal, nonformal and informal learning. Schools must change the stereotype of asymmetric learning: professor-student, where the former is the owner of knowledge, and the student a subject limited to receive information that must learn.

CHIP Project proposes to create in the last two years of high school curricula, an interactive subject “Science and Research: Scientific Thinking: a better way to take decisions». This subject will consist of three modules: Scientific Thinking, The Ladder of Knowledge and Making a Project. The issue of this subject is to share with civil society the way a research faces an investigation from the birth of an observation to the building of the project. Once they have embedded the Scientific Thinking in their knowledge, a trip will be developed: The Knowledge Ladder provide people all tools needed to make a project by themselves about healthy lifestyle (with a focus on avoiding fake news).


FACTS is a patient-centred study designed to improve the quality of life of individuals with a chronic disease and to support the sustainability of the healthcare system. To improve the quality of life of a patient with a chronic disease is essential the existence of an interdisciplinary healthcare team that, in addition to having the best clinical evidence available, has access to ICTs and telemonitoring for providing an adequate and effective interaction with patients.

To reduce the burden on public healthcare systems we must have concrete indicators that show the validity of the intervention carried out and its costbenefit. Both concerns are valued in our proposal: 1) aimed at patients with a non-communicable and very prevalent disease such as Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) that decreases the quality of life through multiple mechanisms, one of which is the frequent hospital readmission and 2) taking into account that CHF is the leading cause of hospital spending in the western world.

Empowerment of patients and develop a new approach to the problem are needed. New technologies are in a constant growing but its use in daily clinical practice is stagnating due to a lack of scientific validation. European Society of Cardiology considers that the evidence is not robust enough to support a guideline recommendation. New studies are needed.

"No hay cuestiones agotadas sino personas agotadas en las cuestiones". Ramón y Cajal